Saturday, August 4, 2012

Journal 8- AAC



AAC Augmented and Alternative Communication- includes all forms of communication (other than oral speech) that are used to express thoughts, needs, wants, and ideas. People with speech or language disabilities use AAC to communicate what they are not able to themselves.  ACC can be low tech, such as picture and symbol communication boards, or high tech, such as electronic devices.  Overall, AAC is used to enhance communication, expression, and social interaction.

Unaided communication devices are an example of a low tech AAC.  This can include gestures, body language, facial expressions, and more.  Unaided communication could be used to ask and answer questions in the classroom.  It can be used to communicate a student needs to the teacher.  If a student isn’t severely handicapped, this can be an easy and effective way to communicate in the classroom.

An example of a high tech AAC is the EyeMax system.  This product is used by people who have complex communication needs.  It allows them to speak with their eyes!  By focusing on a letter of detail of the system the person can type out words and participate in educational games/activities.  This device is makes communication quicker and more effective.  Because” vocabulary is organized consistently across communication pages”, it makes it easier to compose a message.  This would be a great system to have in the classroom for a Special Education classroom in order to communicate more effectively.

An input device is any device that enables someone to put information into a computer.  Many people use a mouse and keyboard as input devices, however there are more accessible devices for people with special needs.
An Ergonomic Keyboard is a keyboard shaped in a way to provide the least amount of stress on a person’s hand movements.  It has two-way tilts, inbuilt wrist rests, split angle key layouts, and more.  It is designed to reduce the pain and effort of typing.  This would be very beneficial in a classroom because the user could use the keyboard for longer and therefor communicate for longer and learn more.

U Connect is an app for students with low mobility.  Using your finger you connect the dots on the IPad.  Along with U Connect, there are many other apps on IPads for students with disabilities.  I observed a Special Education class that was utilizing these applications on their classroom IPads.  It’s a great activity to help mobility and learning.




  1. The part about the Ergonomic Keyboard is really cool! It's so awesome that there are resources like that out there that are available.

  2. Nice blog! Who knew there so many inventive ways to communicate!
